U-Foam is one of the largest sources of Technical Polyurethane Foams with over 300 grades of technical foams; We are one of the few Manufacturers where your foams can be “Taylor Made” for your specific technical and performance requirements. Our foams are made to conform and comply to a variety of National and International Standards. BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards), ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), BSI (British Standards Institute), DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung), ISO (International Standards Organisation).
Urethane foams can be classified into two principle types of foams namely flexible and rigid foams, flexible can be further subdivided into flexible and semi-flexible (or semi-rigid).
Our technical foams are broadly classified in the following categories
Flexible Polyurethanes
- Polyether Slabstock
- Conventional polyether flexible
- High Resilience
- Super-soft
- Viscoelastic
- Polyester Slabstock
- Cold-cure Moulded
Rigid Foams
- Rigid PUR
- Rigid PIR
Flexible Polyurethane Slabstock
Polyurethane Foams (often referred to as Urethane foams are prepared by the reaction of a polyisocyanate with a polyol in the presence of a blowing agent, a surfactant and catalyst without external heating of the foaming system. The principle of preparation of urethane foams is based on the simultaneous occurrence of two reactions i.e., polyurethane formation and gas generation in the presence of catalyst and surfactant. Side reactions like the formation of allophate, biuret, isocyanurate or carbodiimide linkages, may be formed, depending on the reaction conditions. High Pressure foaming machines as well as Low Pressure Max foaming machines are used by us in the manufacture of our flexible polyurethane foams. High Pressure foaming ensures the highest level of cell control and is the only machine which is capable of manufacture of Polyester foams. U-Foam also has a large conversion line for foams with Vertical, Horizontal and Circular splitters, peeling and profiling machines, contour cutting machines, die cutters, Heat and Pressure compression systems besides adhesive laminators. We supply flexible foams as Buns, sheets and rolls. Additionally we do custom cuts, processes and secondary treatments.
We control the following parameters in our manufacture of Flexible Polyurethane Foams namely; Density, Cell count, Hardness Number, Hardness Index, Resilience or Ball Rebound besides Elongation at break.
We can provide additional properties to foams such as Antistatic, Conductive, Antimicrobial, Antifogging Flammability to a variety of standards, besides secondary treatments or post treatments which can impart specific properties to foams such as; Reticulation of either thermal or chemical, Felting and Flocking, Impregnation.
Rigid Polyurethanes

Rigid Urethane foams are hard (high ratio of load bearing to density) foams having very low flexibility. They show permanent deformation after compression. As opposed to flexible urethane foams, these foams have a highly cross-linked chemical structure and a high presence of closed cells over 90%. Rigid urethane foams can be classifies as unmodified rigid urethane foams (PUR)and modified rigid urethane foams (PIR)
Our range of rigid foams are made in the batch process with both low and high pressure systems with accurate control on the density, flexural strength, compressive strength, tensile strength besides also imparting for insulation requirements foams with very low thermal conductance. Our range of rigid foams can also be engineered to meet a variety of national and international fire retardant specifications.
This range is available as Buns, Board-stock, moulded components like pipe sections. We also undertake Insitu applications on site with portable equipment besides roof sprays.
For your specific requirement of Technical polyurethanes we request you to follow the link which will take you to our applications page to help you select the right foams for your requirement. Application Link